
英语作文怎么练 3




He plays soccer.
He plays soccer on the field.
He plays soccer on the field with his friends.
He plays soccer on the field with his friends who are very skilled.
He plays soccer on the field with his friends who are very skilled and enjoy the game a lot.

The cat sleeps.
The cat sleeps on the bed.
The cat sleeps on the bed during the day.
The cat sleeps on the bed during the day because it feels safe there.
The cat sleeps on the bed during the day because it feels safe there and enjoys the warmth.

John cooks dinner.
John cooks dinner in the kitchen.
John cooks dinner in the kitchen for his family.
John cooks dinner in the kitchen for his family who are coming over tonight.
John cooks dinner in the kitchen for his family who are coming over tonight and love his cooking.

She sings a song.
She sings a song beautifully.
She sings a song beautifully at the concert.
She sings a song beautifully at the concert where many people are listening.
She sings a song beautifully at the concert where many people are listening and enjoying the performance.

Tom builds a sandcastle.
Tom builds a sandcastle at the beach.
Tom builds a sandcastle at the beach with his children.
Tom builds a sandcastle at the beach with his children who are very excited.
Tom builds a sandcastle at the beach with his children who are very excited because they love spending time together by the ocean and playing in the sand.
